Through my
various interactions with high school and college students, the majority of
conversations seem to focus on one segment of my resume more than the other and
that is my law school education. During my first year in law school I began
speaking to student groups such as DECA and the Future Business Leaders of
America. In this, I focused on inspiring students to understand their
competition with their peer group when entering a higher level degree program
or a career. I used my background to illustrate how sometimes it is necessary
to eliminate your competition by doing things like seeking an alternative
education or joining with industry groups that could foster their career
ambition. At the conclusion of the sessions I would ask for questions. I would
say that within the first 50 questions I received when speaking to students, 1
in 3 had something to do with law school.
“What did you
think of law school?” “Is law school right for me?” “What other careers choices
do I have with a legal education?”
I wanted to
take the opportunity to share my observations about a legal education for those
that may be contemplating this idea. We live in an education friendly world and
a legal education is not just about going to three years of law school, taking
the bar and becoming a lawyer. There are more opportunities for those with a legal
background today than there ever have been.
High schoolers,
the first part is for you; college students, skip to the middle.
For The High School Student-
If you are a
senior in high school today the very idea of law school may be so far away that
you cannot focus on it. But let me say that if you have any even slight desire
to one day attend law school, you need to begin thinking toward that goal as soon
as your high school graduation party. Think about this, an average
undergraduate student’s grades slip more during their freshman year in college
than any other. It may take the next three years of school to make up for a few
missed tests and poor grades (believe me, I know). But, the good news is the
days of “pre-law” necessity are somewhat over.
At one point
in history, not so long ago, a graduating high school senior needed to
determine their law school prospects before entering undergrad. This would
ensure that they had the proper “pre-law” education and qualifications to gain
entrance to a law school and excel when they got there. This archaic idea is
quickly dwindling. Students have the ability to decide on law school much later
in their college careers than they once did. Further, students do not need a “pre-law”
specific education. Now, if law school is something that you are even slightly
considering it would be wise to ensure that you have some elements of law in
your coursework. This can come in the form of taking Government, Political
Science, Business Law, Economics, or anything in between during your undergrad
studies. However, as those that have seen Legally
Blonde can attest to, even Harvard Law accepts fashion merchandising majors
with no “pre-law” credentials.
Today law
schools want to see that you have desires other than law. This is because they
want you to realize that a law school education does not mean you have to only
be a lawyer. Law school graduates lead industries, have their hands in
politics, are professors, work for non-profits doing everything from helping
the environment to halting poverty, and the list goes on. If you have a
background in something and show a passion for that, you are one step closer to
your acceptance letter.
Now, for
those that want to jump in with both feet there are new alternatives to the traditional
pre-law education. At one time, more than half of law school hopefuls went to
undergrad for Political Science or an equivalent degree. This was a great way
to get into law school and become a lawyer. However, for those that got to the
end of the Poli Sci road and did not go to law school, their career prospects
were very slim. I would encourage anyone that is in high school and really has
a desire to gain a legal education to look into a non-traditional legal path.
of Laws (LLB)- A Bachelor of Laws degree gives a student the opportunity to
take similar if not the same courses that they would in law school during an
earlier period of their life. This degree helps tremendously when entering law
school. Someone with this degree will already be close to a year ahead of
everyone that they enter law school with. Plus, the classroom content a student
would already have learned will help them better understand legal classes and
the demand of law school.
The reason this is a great alternative
to a traditional pre-law path is the possibilities that come with this degree
alone. If a student gets an LLB degree then decides to not attend law school,
there is still a great legal career ahead of them. Someone with this degree can
become a paralegal, a full-time law clerk, or a legal analyst, all of which pay
very well right out of college. Also, a little hint, there is a tremendous need
for these types of professionals right now!
Law school
also does not have to be something a student decides on right away when they
are in college. Many law schools want to see that the perspective student has
some outside experience past an undergraduate degree. I entered law school four
years after my undergraduate graduation. This has helped me greatly as I had “real
world” experiences that I could cite in my coursework.
I encourage
any high school student considering this path to research it heavily.
Understand what law school you may want to go to some day and what their
admission requirements are. Use that as a goal for gettin through your
undergraduate work.
For The College Student-
I remember getting
to college and never having thought about law school prior to a professor
bringing it up to me. He said that in order to be more marketable for the types
of jobs I wanted I should consider law school but not to be a lawyer. I never
knew anyone would go to law school to do anything but be a lawyer. At that
point in my academic career I was not ready to look at the next steps. I wanted
to get through school and see what my options were first, then I would decide
on a legal education.
Many that
are in college now, especially those nearing graduation, want to start seeing
their futures presented to them. There are truly limitless possibilities with
the right connections and the right attitude. Some may determine that three more
years of school is not so bad. A traditional law school education will give you
valuable tools to be a successful person even if you never see the inside of a
courtroom. Buts let’s look at some variations in the legal education approach.
Doctor (JD)- By far the most common legal education is the Juris Doctor and
it is considered the first degree in law. This is recognized by the American
Bar Association and is the requirement to become a practicing lawyer in the
United States. The JD considered a professional doctorate degree, similar to an
advanced degree further than a graduate level education but less than a PhD
type program. It is most simply the study of law, and anyone who chooses this
path is expected to truly learn the law.
Most, if not all, JD programs are three
years and consist of traditional law classes such as Contract Law, Criminal
Law, Torts, Criminal Procedure, est. It is also considered to be the most
difficult three years of education present today. The reward for such hard work
is the opportunity to enter an elite group of individuals who command some of
the highest salaries in the nation. It is an excellent path to follow for
anyone looking to live the law in their career.
Master (JM)- A Juris Master program is a happy medium between law school
and graduate school. It is typically a shorter, condensed law school experience
for anyone who wants a legal education but does not intend on being licensed to
practice law.
There is a growing need for working
professionals to have a legal background. The JM degree offers that
opportunity. Remember, sometimes education is about eliminating competition and
the JM looks great on a resume. It shows that you have a mastery of the law
plus you have a graduate school background so you know how to write, research
and present. Many who have this degree to their name find themselves as heads
of business and heads of state.
of Legal Studies (MLS)- A Master of Legal Studies program is again a
graduate program but it is more focused on the study of law as pertaining to
the advancement of the justice system. This program is being offered more by
universities that specialize in research. Any MLS program will look like a
carbon copy of a JD program as far as courses are concerned. There will ultimately
be less tests and more research with this program however.
The MLS program is great for those that
want to study like a lawyer but want to follow a career path that utilizes more
of their research methods rather than strictly jurisprudence. Similar to a JM,
graduates of these programs tend to work in the political or government sector and
are even heavily recruited for national and military intelligence positions. It
is one thing to understand the law but it is a whole other thing to know how to
effectively ensure legal stability.
No matter
the choice, a legal education has become something more than three years of
school to become a lawyer. There are options for a career in many industries
with this background. I would encourage anyone who is considering a legal
education to research and ask questions. Talk to people who have the degrees
you are looking into and determine if it is right for you.
Feel free to
reach out to me with questions over this delicate academic choice. I have been
where you are and I am available to help foster the idea of a legal education. Email
me SethB@ppai.org or connect on LinkedIn www.linkedin.com/in/lsethbarnett
The Roman
philosopher and one of the fathers of modern politics stated “The people’s good
is the highest law”. Ensure that you are bringing good work to yourself and
others through your education choice.