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Demigod Hero Becomes Reading Tutor in Ridgewood, New York
When kids get into trouble during school, it's usually for things like sleeping in class, texting under their desk, or starting cafeteria-wide food fights that make the janitors turn crimson. I, on the other hand, got into trouble for reading.Yes, as...
Read more...Learning Doesn't Always Have to Be Boring... Right?
I cannot express enough just how much I enjoy reading! Sometimes, I see students dread the 'assigned chapter' everyday for their English classes... and believe me, I used to be just like them! Being forced to read a book can be really...
Read more...Identifying Learning Blocks when Tutoring
Tutoring is an important part of success for the student, the teachers and the parents. What happens when it appears that you can't take your student any further in their education? How do you...
Do You Want Your Academic Papers to Look Professional? Learn How to Use Footnotes
It’s the small things that make the biggest difference, and the most efficient way of making your papers...
How to Help Your Child Develop Reading Skills
Before your child is even born, their language skills begin developing. As your child grows up, it is important for them to develop their reading skills. In addition to working on such skills in preschool, kindergarten, and beyond, there are many things...
Read more...2023 Summer Reading Games
Are you avoiding reading? Can't find anything to keep you interested? Think reading is just so boring? Check out the benefits of reading and what it can do for you. Also check...
Read This: Practice Makes Perfect
We always hear the phrase "practice makes perfect" when it comes to sports and music. This is true, but practice also makes perfect when it comes to reading. The more we read, the better readers we become. One reason this is true is because as we are...
Read more...Summer Reading Challenges - Make reading fun!
How many times have you heard your student tell you, "reading is just boring!" When I was growing up, I loved to read. Of course, I am old enough to remember the days when we didn't have internet or video games. I played Dungeons and Dragons when it first...
Read more...4 FUN Ways to Make Reading at Home More Engaging for Young Readers
Did you know that reading to your child every night increases their chance of succeeding later in life? Reading before be or after school should be a priority and part of each families daily routine....
Improved Reading Comprehension Via Meditation?
The following is an excerpt of my thesis project for my Master's Degree.I wondered if students could become better readers as a result of six weeks of meditation. I wondered if practicing Focused Attention Meditation would build the skill of...
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