My love for mathematics all came from wanting to copy my sister and feel
like a big kid by doing the same work my sister was doing. At the time
when I asked for my first math book, I couldn't have been much older
than four years old because I remember just starting kindergarten. I would beg my mother to take me to Barnes and Noble and let me pick out the math books that I wanted to complete. I would be so excited, I was so happy every time I got a new book that I could work in. I would spend hours in my room, doing page after page, trying my best to learn the concepts and information, even though it was way beyond my grade level. I had an instant fascination with math. I thought it was extremely fun to solve math problems and I felt as though it was an achievement when I had finally solved them and gotten them right as well.
Although my love for math had begun with just wanting to follow my sisters step. It grew rapidly into my own love. By the time I had completed kindergarten I was doing multiplication problems. Throughout my elementary years in school, math was extremely boring because I found they would constantly go over the same information such as simple adding, complex adding, simple subtraction, complex subtraction, basic fractions, and basic multiplication and division. During the time of my elementary years, I would go home and work on my high school level math books that my mom had purchased for me. I remember sitting in the desk that was made for me in my basement in New York, assigning myself math pages to do as if I was the teacher giving the student homework. I would continue to do this until i finished that workbook and then I would move on and up to the next level mathematics book.
When I was in sixth grade, my teachers in school suggested I sign up for the Math Leagues. At the time, I had done the math leagues just as a fun way for some competition with my peers who were also intelligent and proficient in mathematics for their age. At the end of the year for math leagues, we were all given an exam that would place on either in regular math for middle school or the advanced track that would allow us to finish mathematics by the completion of our sophomore year. I had walked into the test with much confidence and ended up scoring 5th highest score in my town and being immediately placed into the advanced track for mathematics.
Throughout middle school, I had taken 7E in 7th grade which involved taking both the 7th grade course work as well as the 8th grade course work in one year. I followed up 7E with 9H in 8th grade which was 9th grade honors math. I had taken algebra, algebra II, trigonometry, geometry, pre-calculus, calculus AB,and AP statistics throughout middle school and high school. I truly do love math and I love being able to teach other students what I already know.
My Key to success in tutoring children is to take an approach that works best for the child. Each child might respond differently to tutoring styles so I work to find the right style for your child and a style that will allow your child to succeed and move forward in their academics specifically for the given subject of tutoring. In addition, I have a tremendous amount of patience and will try my best for the child to understand the given information, ways to apply the concepts and information, as well as help your child get ahead in the topic. The most important approach that I have to tutoring is making sure I met the needs of the child, the parent, the teacher, and whoever else is involved in the education of the individual. I want to be able to show your child that they have the ability to understand the information and nothing is too hard for them or that they can't achieve something. I will make sure that your child never feels incompetent or unable to complete a challenge, I will just try to provide strategies and help to guide them to understanding the information and furthering their education.