Reviews Miami, FL
She is a good teacher.
Noa feels much better with the subject. Malak is knowledgeable and he feels comfortable asking questions unitil he understands. We will continue to see Malak and we know Noa will benefit.
We had our first session with Jorge P. It went great. We are very impressed with his talent and teaching skills. Looking forward to the sessions with him as my son's tutor and a successful relationship with Frog Tutoring. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ We finished our sessions with Jorge P. He is an excellent tutor, with a great personality and commitment. Thank you for helping my son get up to speed! I will not hesitate to contact Frog Tutoring if there is a need in the future. Great service!
{not commented yet}She is very good.
very well organized
Regina is a great tutor. I understand the material a little better. She is explaining everything in detail.
Gaby liked her tutor. Ms. Christian was easy to understand and they are to a great start.
Gabriella likes her tutor. She is very good with kids.
Very well organized
has knowledgeable understanding in what I needed and got it done
Jayda is blossoming and it's all thanks to Myiesha. She's patient, kind and very motivating. We can't thank her enough for the change we see in Jayda's confidence. This was truly a great decision!
Jorge is an excellent tutor. With his help I managed to get superb test scores and I now feel much more confident about learning calculus 2 and forward. If the need ever arises again to learn a difficult math subject quickly and efficiently I will most assuredly ask Jorge once again.
She is the best tutor i ever know
We had alexandra by the first time today.. we really like her. my daugther enjoyed study with her.. thank-you
wrong tutor
Second session with Malak was as amazing as the first session. She practiced helping my son gain more confidence and speed with practice problems. I was surprised how when given the choice to do the third session in two days or leaving it for the following week, my son immediately replied he wanted the session in two days. Not that I needed more confirmation, but it ratifies how half of the battle with Chemistry has already been won,if my son is wanting to have more of it. Just as I wrote on my first review, I can testify Malak facilitated the same quality of instruction and guidance as she did in the first session. I am very happy, but most important so is my son.
Philip has been greatly helpful to my son. He is polite, knowledgeable and always prompt. It's been a pleasure working with him.
Dudley is a very good young man, very responsible and knowledgable.
Friendly, flexible, knowledgeable, and my son easily built a rapport with her.