Reviews Miami, FL
Hannah was very knowledgeable and was very good with Paris. She helped her thru some very difficult math and was very soft spoken and kind. Their personalities matched perfectly. She was perfect
Excellent tutor! Dudley helped my son tremendously!!
Really Patient and great teacher.!
I had only one negative comment: Quiglin had always a problem coming to my house he said that the it was too far.
Kenneth helped me understand my statistics material more thoroughly and he walked me through my homework and exam reviews step by step.
Kenneth brings a lot of fun to the tutoring experience, he is very resurceful and has knowledge of a wide range of subjects. Sebastian finds the tools kenneth uses very useful and fun. Both his math and language arts grade went up one grade point, we are very pleased with his progress and thankful for Kenneth's help..
Great tutor! Knows material well and always willing to help
Great Job! I love Anh's attitude. She really understands the material and presents in a way that is easy to understand!
Stella is excellent , Sebastian really likes her, she is very calm and measured which allows him to relax and really absorb the content.
she is very well organized and now we are ahead of the next class, which is great!
Megan has been helping my sons for several weeks now . They have shown rapid improvement and have acquired more self confidence in being able to complete homework and do well in tests. Megan is very dedicated, knowledgeable and always willing to try out new methods on how to further motivate and encourage them in a fun way. Thank you!
Since the first session Qing had with my son I was so impressed at how swiftly they were able to work and complete all the necessary homework leaving enough time for reinforcement. During the sessions my son fully focuses on his work and better comprehends the reinforced concepts. Qing has proven to be highly skilful and knowledgeable in helping my child progress in the taught subjects. In addition he is very professional and respectful. Thank you Qing!
Lizelle has been very helpful, thanks to her Victor's grades are starting to going up, and Victor is much more organized. Lizelle is very dedicated and you can tell that she likes tutoring and kids. Always on time and very patient.
Very well rounded in knowledge and I especially liked the fact that a lesson plan was provided with questions according to the subject.
Stella Chang is always punctual and friendly. She knows the material and has caused my daughters grades to improve tremendously.
{not commented yet}very good!
Leighann is a fabulous tutor. She's quick to establish a plan of action based on the child's needs and then execute. She's easy to work with and really engages both with the children as well as with the parent to determine the best course of study to accomplish the set goals. She is just that good.
I just got my first tutor for my daughter and she is already making an impact on my daughters skills. she is very professional and connects right away with my child.
We have only had one session with Dudley, but I have to see that we are very impressed by his knowledge, patience, and professionalism. My son has already noticed a difference after one session. We look forward to our continued partnership with Dudley.
I just got my first tutor for my daughter and she is already making an impact on my daughters skills. she is very professional and connects right away with my child.