Reviews Atlanta, GA
Joyce has been great in helping me review topics for the NCLEX
Good tutor
Never partnered so unable to rate accurately but frog tutors are great so why not give a 5
McKenna has a good grasp of the AP pre-calc work that my daughter is work that my daughter is doing. She's able to help explain in a way that makes sense and has resulted in a benefit of my daughter turning her grades around significantly. I would gladly recommend McKenna for tutoring AP Pre-Calc
Very humorous and fun approach to physics. He makes physics interesting to learn.
We've had a couple sessions so far. she is great with my son. she teachers the grade he's currently in so thats perfect.
{not commented yet} Olivia has been tutoring my daughter in chemistry since Jan 2023. Olivia is very patient, very knowledgable and made sure that my daughter understands the material she is taught. Once my daughter comprehends the current material Olivia well teach new material moving forward so my daughter can stay ahead. My daughter and I are very happy with Olivia and highly recommend her.
Great Lessons, very patient and thorough in his lessons and guidance
She is super kind and knows what she is talking about.
Mecca is absolutely the BEST!! My daughter looks forward to their sessions and it thrills me to see the passion she has when she is about to meet with Mecca. Quality is what we sought for in finding the perfect tutor for our daughter and Mecca exemplifies professionalism, punctuality and expertise on the subject matter. We are truly grateful for Mecca!!!
Excellent. Worked out well
Very informative and helpful.
This is a great tutor for all ages. Mckenna Breddan helped me with my work and understanding with math.
Jason is very knowledgable and wants to help. He had an internet outage during our session so we were not able to complete.
My daughter loved working with Mecca and it helped her out to get an A in AP calculus as a high school sophomore
I have no complaints. She is excellent.
Jennifer is extremely pleasant to work with and knowledgeable. We had a very engaging and insightful conversation that lasted a little over an hour. I am grateful to have been paired with Jennifer. My son's first session was today 6/13 and he was very happy. He said as he literally skipped through the house that he gets to have fun before ging to summer camp by reading 📚. He also asked me if he could take his book to read the 2 chapters he was assigned in the car 🚗. Wow just awesome! Great first day.
Really flexible with timings and explains concepts in depth
Never partnered so unable to rate accurately but frog tutors are great so why not give a 5
Extremely great communicator. Flexible. Has transformed by child's grade from failing to excelling. Awesome tutor!