Reviews Atlanta, GA
My daughter enjoys working with Rebecca and I appreciate the updates on her progress after each session. She really cares about her students learning the language.
Mrs.Ryckeley's tutoring of my son helped him in passing his ASVAB and gaining entry into the USMC, in the field in which he wanted. She was patient and understood how to best work with my son. Her methods and manner of instruction paid off, which relieved a great weight on my son's shoulders in considering his future efforts. Thank you Mrs. Ryckeley. I will be recommending you to all.
Great tutor! Britney does a great job of identifying the weaknesses and strengths of each of my children and developing a learning curriculum that fits their needs and current lesson plans. I like her approach. She is stern, direct but makes the tutoring experience enjoyable. We are very thankful to have her on our team.
Very fun and easy to talk to! Ted helped me learn a few concepts I was not familiar with fairly quickly and easily.
She was great and made math a lot easier for Caroline and explained it very clearly. Love love her. Best tutor we have ever had!
Very knowledgeable and patient. My kids love her!
Abby works very well with my son. She is professional and prepared for the sessions. She maintains a positive attitude and encourages him until he understands the concept.
Laura is an amazing Spanish tutor, and she always brings a great energy into all her sessions. I had started taking an online Spanish course, and I was struggling a lot. Laura not only helped me to do well in the course but made the experience so much more fun! She is very patient and a positive motivator.
Great tutor! Very thorough and good with content. Knows SPSS well.
She is awesome!! My 13yr old son with Dsylexia...who by the way hate school.....told me after only 2 sessions with her informed me that he enjoyed his session!!!!! I wanted to cry!!! I will continue to keep her until I leave this earth(joke) but it made my heart cry! I hope this continues to make him want to’s hard when you come from a child who love school(my 20yr old)to a child who hates school( my 13yr old) so that spoke volumes to me! It’s so worth it!!!
John is a great instructor and very knowledgeable about topics and very helpful in all areas.
He a great guy. I fully understand him. He drills into you what you need to know. And he makes sure you fully understand him. As most tutor goes thru there lesson he sees that you not fully understanding him, but he makes sure you get it.
Vinod is very thorough with his explanations. He takes time to walk through the problems step by step, and ensures that I understand each piece of the problem before moving on. He has a very flexible schedule, and works to accommodate mine.
complete command of material and excellent way to explain solutions to problems
Alex was great!
Keturah has been super helpful in tutoring my son in Spanish. The knowledge she has gained coupled with making learning fun and exciting, gives me the confidence that her approach will be the game changer for my son. She’s definitely a go to choice once he moves to Spanish II next year.
Mr.Clarke knows exactly what he is doing and he breaks down the content step by step so whoever is being tutored can get a clear understanding of how to solve a challenging problem. He is also patient, he does not try to rush you during a session. Overall he is an amazing tutor and I would definitely recommend him to others who are search of an understanding and patient tutor. His methods are extremely helpful and his positive attitude also adds onto the tutoring process.
Excellent and patient.
FANTASTIC!! 5 stars 🌟 I was worried at first because I’ve been out of school for so long and it would be a lot of information to cover for my accuplacer test. I talked to TreVaris over the phone for the first time and he instantly referred me to khan academy for practice. When we first meet he was so organized, he brought materials and listened to all my questions. The problems I didn’t understand he went over them with ease. Overall I passed my accuplacer exam in all sections!!(first try)!! THANK YOU TRREVARIS!!!!
She was great! 5 being the best right?