Reviews Philadelphia, PA
Alexander is an excellent tutor for my grandchildren. He is patient and kind and makes learning fun and exciting. They look forward to seeing him each week.
Mercedes is an excellent fit for my granddaughter. She has the knowledge and patience that is required to help a child learn. thank you
{not commented yet}she was very knowledgeable and patient with my daughter
very helpful and accomodating
Michaela is an fantastic tutor and very knowledgeable of the subject that I needed help in. I would highly recommend her if your having trouble in any finance course.
Anjali is a joy to work with. She is patient when I don't get something and is always ready to help. She has helped me with various different subjects and it isn't awkward to learn from her. She always explains things thoroughly.
Hello Michaela, Hope you are doing well. So sorry for the short notice. Our internet service has not been working since 3. We are not able to fix it. Unfortunately we will not be able to make it today’s session. Thank you for understanding Regards Seema
We are sad to hear she is no longer with your company. She was delightful and helped improve my daughter's score.
Mecca is an amazing tutor! Sebastian's grades have continued to improve due to Mecca and her tutoring. I recommend Mecca, she is what Sebastian needed. Thank you, Deby Garcia
Riana Green is the best tutor ever, she is so knowledgeable and creative and puts in so many hours to make sure you know the content. Highly recommend!!!!
Very good job . We appreciate all your hard work help. We will definitely use you again. In time got right to work.
Taylor Harris is such an awesome tutor !! He is very patient and polite he will go over assignments with you until you completely understand . He tutored my son and because of his dedication and consistency my son has graduated from college .
FrugTurtoring claims to have the best tutors and Nasser Sarfaraz proves it!
Gil is an excellent tutor, he really takes the time to make sure I understand the concepts. I always end the session feeling more confident in myself. I would recommend him to anyone needing help in their chemistry course.
Very helpful and informative.
Spencer is an amazing tutor! He really emphasizes the conceptual side of the problems I have. He often helps me understand the theory behind the material then helps me apply it in practice.
Britney was the best tutor ever. She is so knowledgable and so personable. She made me feel like a priority and like I was very important. She answered every question with a good destription. She not only help me learn, but she raised my confidence, by just believing in me and telling me that I could do anything I wanted to do! She made me want to work hard and achieve my goals. She texted me good luck before my texts and would always calm me down when I got frustrated or nervous! Overall, I feel as though Britney made me feel important and was not only an amazing tutor, but a great friend :)
very kind and knowledgeable.
Tutor does a really good job explaining the topics. She is understanding and takes her time. Very good tutor
He is good at helping my niece understand math problems.