Reviews Austin, TX
Augie likes working with Josh very much! He's been great!
We're so glad we found Sina Rafati to help our son keep pace with his Algebra class. Sina is very thoughtful about tutoring. Our son says his brain is "working hard" throughout their study time together. His scores have improved, we are more confident that he is really understanding concepts, and we know that he has a good role model on how to study math in Sina. Sina is very conscientious about planning sessions at times that work for our family — even when things change week to week. We are so pleased to have his support this year.
Very friendly and knowledgeable
Christopher was such a great tutor! He was super understanding, and willing to work through every question I had. I highly recommend him to anyone that is looking for a tutor, especially those in need of help in english and writing.
Kristin was able to find us a great tutor very quickly when the first choice made himself unavailable. Those we worked with from the top on down were very responsive and intent on finding the right tutor for an advanced Calculus course for my son. They helped my son and the tutor so that the tutoring was done just as effectively remotely when my son was away at college. The tutor helped my son turn a F from last semester into a B this semester. As a parent I had also appreciated Frog Tutoring's dedication and responsiveness when I had questions.
Stephen is a wonderful tutor who patiently guides students. My son had failed Calculus 3 twice. Steven identified the parts my son was having trouble with and with his help my son has now mastered this advanced math course and received a B. Stephen tutored well in-person during the break to get started and then well remotely via a shared screen while my son was away at college. As a parent I especially liked his descriptive comments after each tutoring session discussing what was worked on and what my son still needs to master and the plan for accomplishing that. Steven knows advanced math well and will be tutoring my son for Differential Equations this upcoming semester.
Chris is great and Miles really relates and responds well to his teaching style. We look forward to working with him as the school year starts!
Casey is an excellent tutor, arrives on time and ready to start, she is always enthusiastic and full of energy to teach. Casey has a very clear and at ease tutoring method and would be an excellent teacher. Carey is very proficient in Algebra 2. We are so delighted to have found Casey
We have not used Yatrik. I'm not sure why this is coming up on my account. Please remove
{not commented yet}She has been very helpful with meeting our son where he is at in advanced algebra. She is helping him work on the present concepts and then going back to make sure he understands what they had already worked on this year.
Had lots of supplemental course material
She is a great tutor- organized, positive, and encouraging.
Samantha has been amazing with my son. He is a bright boy who needs help organizing and prioritizing his workload. Samantha immediately recognized his issues and started developing techniques to overcome his challenges with prioritization and organization. She is exactly what we were looking for in a tutor. Thanks so much Samantha!!
Logan appreciates Samuel's help with Pre-AP chemistry. He has gained a much better understanding of what his teacher has been going over this semester in just 2 tutoring sessions. Thankful to have Samuel helping Logan once a week.
Alex is always on time and my son feels like he does an excellent job explaining difficult subject matter.
Erica is very friendly and has the knowledge and patience it takes to work with Felix.
Josh is very good - professional, friendly, flexible and great knowledge! He explains information well, and has helped my son greatly!
Erika has been very prepared for each session and she relates well to my teenager. I definitely recommend her.
Mary had a thorough understanding of the math content. She presented the material clearly and consisely.
Mary was enthusiastic and thoughtful in her approach to help my son with his studies. She would do whatever needed to make sure he understood the material, and provided great lessons and ideas for moving forward.