Reviews Austin, TX
Great! In just minutes Anthony responded and befriended Brittany. Can't wait to reach out goal.
Mary has done a good job tutoring my middle school son so far. She has presented a lot of good ideas about helping him to stay organized, and kept him honest about keeping track of all the assignments he needs to turn in. Over the last couple of months his grades have come up and he is much less resistant to doing a thorough job instead of the bare minimum to pass. They seem to get along well, and Mary has been very communicative with me and his mom.
Maria was wonderful with Logan. He was dreading going to tutoring because he had no relationship with his Spanish 1 teacher. After his first session with Maria, he had a much more positive attitude about getting better with his Spanish. We are looking forward to seeing how far Ms. Maria will be able to take Logan this summer. Hopefully we can continue to use Ms. Maria during the school year for his Spanish 2 needs and possibly his Algebra 1 questions as he enters high school. :-) Thank you for finding Ms. Maria for us!
Difficult to schedule (limited availability).
Michael Ravitsky explains AP Econ in a way that the students can easily understand it. He is very accommodating and efficient. A great tutor.
Kimberly is awesome! She is very knowledgeable, organized, and timely. Both my daughter and I are very happy with her.
Will has been a wonderful tutor. So easy to work with!
Sebastian Eder was a knowledgeable tutor.
I just wanted to drop a quick note to Sebastian to let him know that Brianna brought home her STAAR test results yesterday and she passed in all 3 subjects but she killed Math! She missed the Advanced Level of Math by only 50 points! I wanted to again say thank you very much Sebastian and we hope to see you again once the new school year starts to pick back up on our tutoring sessions. Thanks, Lola Charles
Michael has been an excellent tutor for my son, Nate, in high school algebra. He is clear, calm, patient, and teaches in a way that makes it easy for my son to absorb the information. He said after 3 sessions with Michael, the clouds had lifted and he understood concepts he had not after five months in the classroom! This has translated into an improvement in his grades, confidence, and overall attitude toward math. Thank you Michael!
After just 2 sessions, Will has really taken note of my son's tutoring needs. He doesn't need reminded as to what my son's goals are, he is very patient with my son, and really seems to be guiding him with tools for every subject area. He seems to be taking notes during their session that helps him recall what they covered, which impressed me. I'm appreciative of his attention to detail as well as his follow up. My son isn't frustrated with himself or his school work after working with Will either.Thank you.
{not commented yet} Excellent, conscientious.
Sebastian demonstrates a high degree of AP World History subject matter knowledge as well as firm understanding of how to best synthesize the information for maximum performance on the test. He is skilled in teaching both the subject matter and how to best study and prepare for the test. He has a very professional demeanor with a very relaxed and approachable, yet structured teaching style.
Garrett is an extraordinary tutor. He is smart, committed and speaks to kids on a level to which they can relate. I have used "not so great" tutors so I have a baseline for comparison. I cannot recommend him enough. You will not be disappointed.
Dependable, reliable, shows up on time, provides full time instruction! Knowledgeable about all SAT subjects.
Isabel's first test is tomorrow, so it's a little early to give a comprehensive review of Stephanie's performance at this point, but I will tell you what I have observed so far and that she is: 1) Punctual 2) Well prepared to teach with clear learning objectives in mind before the session begins 3) Gets right to work and stays on task to the end. 4) Clearly dedicated to helping Isabel succeed. I can also say that Isabel enjoys her time with Stephanie and likes her teaching style. I believe we are off to a good start and will continue to book sessions, most likely for two hours at a time for the near future.
I am very happy with Casey. He has been helpful by breaking down the tasks into manageable steps and presenting material to me in several different ways to make sure I get it.
He has a very thorough knowledge of the subject and is very resourceful. He is very organized in his teaching style and methods. He not only helps me understand the content better but also teaches me how to organize the material and my thoughts in clear manners. He definitely puts a lot of time and effort preparing for the class, and I really enjoy having him as my tutor.
Leroy is a positive, friendly and helpful tutor. He willingly explains difficult concepts again if I am ever unsure. He is also dynamic in how he wants me to practice problems for future sessions.
we have been very pleased with Leroy and his efforts with working with Amanda.