Reviews Dallas, TX
Britt is very nice to work with. So far both my children are enjoying their one one one time with her. My children say she's so very nice, patient, and understanding. She makes both my children feel very comfortable. We were very skeptical about an IN-HOME TUTOR, because we didnt know what to expect. My only regret is that I didn't start the IN-HOME TUTOR SOONER!! Thank you Britt!!! We truly appreciate you! Best, Vanessa Garcia
I had a great time learning with Miss Kelsy. Her kind and helpful approach was of great help and her knowledge of the content enabled me to construct some very well written assignments for my classes. I highly recommend her. Best, Urooj
He is very well educated and I've learned a lot from him. I am not good at math and he helped me learn about binary and decimal conversion. Thank you.
I have been lucky to have Vinod as a tutor this semester. He tries to explain my errors and helps me integrate past concepts that either I am not applying correctly or still do not know. His wealth of knowledge is a treasure and he went out of his way several times for me. I am truly appreciative that I have him as my tutor.
Nam always explains concepts in a well thought out manner! If he doesn't know, he finds the answer. I never worry about receiving incorrect information. Very articulate, and great personality! At first we were a bit hesitant due to him being so young, but after the first session, we quickly booked more hours under the condition that Nam would be our tutor. He is awesome!!
gives a clear explanation of your problem, and if don't understand it still; he is willing to go further in depth for you to fully understand the problem. Also makes things that seem complicated, easy or a simple way of it means.
Matthew Teal was awesome! I was needing urgent tutoring over the weekend on many assignments. He was able to assist in two sessions, three hours each so I could complete by deadline! He was a life saver! We worked at a excellent pace! If you are needing help in College Statistics, he is your guy!
IS AMAZING, she truly understands the material, and is able to answer any and all questions, and comes up with really good models to help reinforce the content. She's very kind and patient, and is willing to meet either in person or through skype for as long as you need her to, in order to further explain the material. Very flexible too and will make time for tutoring schedules.
She is very intelligent, and extremely easy to work with.
Dwayne has a wealth of experience with children and quickly worked out what the best angle for teaching our son was. Dwayne is gentle, yet efficient in getting our child to concentrate and learn. We loved that Dwayne was able to listen and customise a program for our son’s specific needs. There were clear objectives and a realistic timeframe on how to achieve these objectives. My son said to me in the car, as we were chatting that he felt that Dwayne’s teaching helped him at school with essay writing. From a boy who doesn’t like homework, I thought that was praise indeed! I highly recommend Dwayne.
Dene was able to jump right in with my lesson and explain on an extremely basic level which was just what I needed.
{not commented yet}Absolutely loved Kimberly. She was amazing with my kids and they did so well in school with her help.
helped alot
Dr. Reza covered the material at a great pace and explained the material really well.
Professional and courtesy. Very helpful. My daughter learned her algebra and had a good experience.
Viviana is great teacher. She teach me college Chemistry. She helped me a lot.
Alan is a great tutor because he really knows his material. He's very patient, smart, understanding, and kind. He does his best to answer any questions I have and if I don't understand he tries to find new ways to explain the information. And he's always on time to the tutoring sessions.
Thank you very much for taking the time with me. I understand my class and professor are very difficult. Paul
{not commented yet Hengii is doing an excellent job! He is a good instructor and is dependable!
I really enjoyed working with Hengji. I hadn't taken a math course in many years and Hengji had a lot of patience and showed me various techniques until I was able to understand. I received an A in my college algebra math course thanks to Hengji!