Reviews Dallas, TX
helped my son pass! Was failing
we have used Nymisha as a homework coach and this seems to be motivating my son to keep up in his classes
Emily is great and works well with our son. She was able to identify needs and develop a plan to help improve these areas.
She was punctual and prepared.
{not commented yet} Great very great tutor knowledgeable respectful went to a great effort to find out what was needed before hand and kept up-to-date with the schools website .works very well with my son to make sure he was prepared for the upcoming tests .we were very pleased with her ,would recommend her to any family. At the end of the tutoring session my son felt very comfortable and excited about what he had learned .He believes he is ready for his test and looking forward to the next tutoring session..two thumbs up for frog tutoring for a perfect match with my son
Jacob is a great tutor!
Excellent. Just the right teaching skills, knows where the student can be independent and where they need help. Outstanding
She was very good, patient and attentive to my son
He was very good and attentive to my son
Jacob is very smart and is very knowledgeable about chemistry. He helped me a lot with preparing for my quizzes and tests in the last part of this semester.
My son's tutor was awesome
It was great!
Steven began tutoring my son in Pre-AP Physics coursework. He was very helpful and my son't knowledge and grades improved. We have since begun SAT course prep work with Steven. He has been helpful in my son's preparation but also in helping him to set goals and also in monitoring progress toward those goals. Overall, my son has benefited from Steven's help.
Great tutor!
She is very professional and detailed as it pertains to explaining what is need to assist our daughter.
Caleigh has helped me advance my conversational Spanish (my goal is to become functional on motorcycle trips into Central and South America). In addition she introduced me to many resources that can aid my ability to understand and be understood I.e. shop at Fiesta market, watch Spanish speaking TV , read newspapers, listen to radio and engage with local Spanish speaking people I encounter. She empowered me to not be embarrassed because of my limited skills. I endorse Caleigh for her ability to tutor and I expect her to achieve great things in her life, yes she is exceptional.
From the first meeting, Brittney has put forth 110%. She assessed what our granddaughter needed, and researched the best ways to approach her problem. Our granddaughter looks forward to her tutoring sessions with Brittney because Brittney makes learning fun and productive.
We are very pleased with Peter thus far. He arrives on time and is ready to get to work. Peter takes his time to break down the math problems in a way that is easier for our son to understand. Being able to work on homework ensures that he grasp the concept and is prepared for his test at school. Also helpful is that Peter has already began to work ahead, giving our son a head start on math problems to come. We are very pleased at this point!
Ashleigh was very patient and developed a nice rapport with our daughter. We look forward to her coming again on Sunday.
She's an encouraging and knowledgable teacher. Ms. St. Pierre is pleasant and very professional.