Fun Facts
I am an immigrant from China and has been a straight A student at University of Baltimore. I am the youngest of my three sisters, despite the one child policy. I enjoy helping people out voluntarily. That is why I'm in the customer service industry as the supervisor of my local Rite Aid store and the senator of my college student government association. As a senator, I am the voice of the student body in the decision making process. One thing people always complement me about is my personality.
About Me
I am a junior at University of Baltimore, majoring in history. I have been on the Dean's list for three consecutive semesters, with a rising GPA of 3.88. I am a well disciplined person who has achieved the rank of Corporal in the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps. I am also the recipient of multiple government and high school awards.Lastly, I am a recipient of President's Award for Educational Achievement, signed by President Obama.My goals are to eventually become a public school teacher.
While during my Introduction to Statistic class, i volunteered my time to tutor my classmate on basic statistics. I was eager to teach her, because it gave me the feeling that I am contributing something to the University of Baltimore community. I even gave her my phone number, so I became her unofficial mentor, which she utilized it to the maximum potential. Therefore, working for this company will give me the opportunity to further nurture my hidden talent, my love of assisting people in need.
As a tutor, i will approach my client patiently and diligently. I will constantly reinforce my client's accomplishments through postive encouragements to accelerate their self-esteem. I will also provide the client with my phone number, so they can call me or leave me a text message at anytime with questions. Don't ever show your frustration in front of the student. If you do, your message to the student is disappointment or something along the line that you give up. Be persistent!
Request Me NowWhat Makes You a Good Tutor?
1. Open mindedA great tutor must be able to socialize with the student, not intimidate the student. The student must feel comfortable around you, so that...
Chinese Tutoring
As a Chinese myself, I know how to read, write and speake fluently in Chinese.
History Tutoring
I have taken multiple 300-level history course on this subject and these courses has taught me to read between the lines. How does context affect the content of the event? History is about performing historical thinking. During my time in them, my average grade has always been an A
Study Skills Tutoring
Studying can be frustrating, but manageable with the right skills. Manage your time correctly, don't cram all the information in and never procrastinate. This is an easy and feasible method that has rewarded me with multiple A's. Lastly, the best method is to finish everything early, way before the due date, so the student can use the extra time to review the work and make necessary revisions, if appropriate.
Writing Tutoring
Becoming an effective writer means writing in active voice that is strong. Never write in a passive voice, as it will make the writer look weak. You want to show the reader your confidence. As a history major, I am accustomed to make bold historical assertions.
Writing Advance Tutoring
As an history major, i am trained to write professionally by incorporating facts and quotes from experts to make the academic writing more scholarly. A proper writer will always incorporate context into the narrative. For example, when you're writing a genealogy report, you want to have historical context to place your person in a narrative.
Algebra Tutoring
During high school, I found that algebra was pretty easy and managed to get the highest grade possible on the subject. Sadly, during my college placement test, I didn't score that well on the test and was placed in a similar course. However, once again I achieved the highest possible grade on the course.
Microsoft Windows Tutoring
I use it everyday for my classwork, homework, and for personal entertaintment. My experience will allow me to pass it down to my client on how to navigate around Microsoft Windows and others.
Microsoft Word Tutoring
In Word, the student can do many things, especially in the academic field. Footnotes, graphic designs and how to properly format the document in accordance to professional standards, are my expertise.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
When it comes to comprehending the reading material, one needs to also examine the context, content and the origin of the material. In English 200 college course, we examined poetry and evaluated its meaning with a particular focus on the true meaning behind the text. I got an A on that course. The same concept applies to history. Historians are trained to ask themselves: what was happening when the material was written? Through this analysis, the reader can fully synthesize and comprehend the reading material.
English Tutoring
As a history Major, writing is an essential part of my major. Therefore, I am well trained in writing effective English, which can be corroborated by my high level of GPA. And my experience in college level English rhetoric will profoundly benefit my lower level clients. As a result, they will become more prepared on their future endeavors.
Homework Coach Tutoring
My history degree and my high GPA demands a good homework ethic. I will help a student's overall academic success as opposed to providing remedial instruction in a specific subject by providing them with homework strategies to stay ahead of the game. The best strategy is to always finish the homework ahead of the time, so the student can allocate the free time to improve upon the work. Always do that and you'll never fail!
Elementary Math Tutoring
I am confident that my ability to work with children patiently will encourage children to work proficiently. I will make sure that the children understand the concept at the end of each tutoring session. Don't ever show your frustration in front of the student. If you do, your message to the student is disappointment or something along the line that you give up. Keeping your calm when the student is stressed will help them feel supported even when they are struggling.
Social Studies Tutoring
In my field of expertise, I've always been praised by my professors as being a good historian in the making. I will teach children strategies that's beyond elementary school to make sure that they are always ahead of the game. I will teach my student how to synthesize their knowledge into the text, such as extracting a direct quote or paraphrase it to support an argument, or an abstract idea. My ability as a social historian is evidently corroborated by my high level of overall GPA.
Microsoft PowerPoint Tutoring
Being a history major, the major component of it is being able to orally present history. I am proficient at making effective PowerPoint that can mesmerize the audience. By adding animations, transition animations, even music sometimes, can improve the overall quality of the PowerPoint. For example, in my ART 304 class, I created a communist propaganda collage with a communist propagda background music to immerse the audience into the collatge. Then their immersion will be broken, when they see the end.
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