1. Open minded
A great tutor must be able to socialize with the student, not intimidate the student. The student must feel comfortable around you, so that they will open up their feelings. This way, the tutor can accurately gauge the student. Being open minded will significantly make the student become comfortable around you, because they will know that their opinions matters. A good tutor should actively ask the student for suggestions and you, as the tutor, should keep your mind open to radical changes or suggestions from the student(s) that might offend you. When a student feel that you care about them, they are going to accept your advice more readily, and thus they will not resist you.
2. Knowledge
An high achiever doesn't necessary make someone a good tutor. A tutor might be intelligent, but can they pass that knowledge down to their students? It's of utmost important that the tutor can impart their knowledge onto others. What's the point of a tutor that can't effectively teach someone?
3. Role Model
A great tutor understands that they're the coach and role model for the student. Tutors offer support and cheer the student on, when the student overcome their obstacle. You should reward the student for their hard-work through compliments. You could tell the student, "Great Job!" or "Give me a high five!". all are effective way of telling the student that their efforts are being noticed.
4. Persistence
Going along with cheering the student on, a great tutor has to be determined to get the student to his or her goals, even when the student feels that they're not capable off achieving that goal. If the student is struggling, the tutor should be persistence in pushing the student towards that goal. If the tutor gives up, as a role model, we're encouraging the student to give up as well. Extra effort will encourage the student to emulate you and go the extra step to achieve that goal.
5. Patience
Don't ever show your frustration in front of the student. If you do, your message to the student is disappointment or something along the line that you give up. Keeping your calm when the student is stressed will help them feel supported even when they are struggling. In other words, you are cheering the student on by acknowledging their ability.