Fun Facts
I am fascinated by history and enjoy watching documentaries.
About Me
I am a sophomore majoring in Exercise & Sports Science at Nova Southeastern University. I have been on the Dean's list for the entirety of my freshman year and I am also an active member in numerous clubs. I intend on pursuing a career in the healthcare field.
I have had the luxury of being an America Reads tutor where undergraduate students go to underprivileged schools and promote reading comprehension and literacy. I also have experience in a summer program where our main goal was for the students to retain the material they learned throughout the year. In this program, I worked alongside STEM, art, dance, etc. instructors.
One main theme I constantly see when tutoring in schools, students are not given personalized assistance that best suits them. Their teachers often refer to lesson plans mandated by their school system but I make it my goal to tailor a specific lesson plan to each student that I believe the student would respond best to.
Request Me NowNova Southeastern University
Exericse & Sports Science