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Meleha Y.
Math and engineer  
New York Institute of Technology
Elementary School

Fun Facts

When I was around the age 15 years old I loved playing game, video games, pc games. when I Aced my exam my brother buying a play station for me. One day i wish to be a best gamer. I also never went outside of NYC, one day i wish to travel the entire world and see different culture foods and many more.

About Me

I am a graduate student from New York City College Of Technology with bachelor in Mechanical Engineering Technology. I was involved in different academic activities from reachers to the conference. I hope to become a data scientist, and get master in math.


I worked with two different company. One with Tutor on Wheel which was a contract based, i was placed in middle school worked with student from grade 6 and 7th grade. The second company I worked with is PMP (Practice Makes Perfect) I am intervention providing support to teacher and helping students who are struggling with topic. I worked with students from grades 3rd to 8th grades.


I remember struggling in high school in academic, I am aware of child struggles. I was happy to have a good teacher to help me out in the topic i didn't understand. My approach as a tutor is to walk through the concept first then give them a question to solve. Instead of give them an answer I would ask the student what are their step, If they are going to wrong path i can give them instruction to help them with how will they solve, in what scenario you would do these step.

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New York Institute of Technology

Mechanical Engineering Technology

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Algebra Tutoring

Algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2 i completed in the high school with 85 and above grades. The reason why i had to complete these was because my school major what math and science.

Algebra II Tutoring

Algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2 i completed in the high school with 85 and above grades. The reason why i had to complete these was because my school major what math and science.

Math Tutoring

Algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2 i completed in the high school with 85 and above grades. The reason why i had to complete these was because my school major what math and science.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2 i completed in the high school with 85 and above grades. The reason why i had to complete these was because my school major what math and science.

Math Advance Tutoring

Algebra, algebra 1, algebra 2 i completed in the high school with 85 and above grades. The reason why i had to complete these was because my school major what math and science.

Middle School Math Tutoring

My middle school math was algebra, and geometry

AutoCAD Tutoring

i took AutoCAD, in college it was a requirement for mechanical engineering technology. I have work with 2D, front top and right 2d sectional view as well. My grade was A

College Algebra Tutoring

I took Pre-algebra in college it was a pre-request for calculus. i received a decent grade.

Homework Coach Tutoring


Elementary Math Tutoring

i remember doing fractions, multiplication, division, subtraction, ratio as well.

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