Fun Facts
Besides maintaining good academic standing, coming to my personal interests, I'm a nature enthusiast and would love to do my bit to conserve it!
Back in India, when I worked as a Software Engineer at Standard & Poor's, I took up a project called 'Save Our Sparrows' to curb dwindling house sparrow population. Since then, my friends started calling me as Sparrow Hero!!!
About Me
I'm doing M.S. in science/california/san-diego">Computer Science at UCSD currently. As of now, my cumulative GPA is 3.9 on a 4 point scale. I maintained academic excellence in my under-grad (B.S science/california/san-diego">Computer Science) as well, with a 9.29 CGPA on a 10 point scale, standing in top 5% in my batch of 300 students.
I would like to join industry after I finish my Masters; also contemplating the option of Phd, but not yet decided!
I have worked as a Teaching Assistant (TA) at UCSD for the under graduate course, CSE 110 - Software Engineering in the winter quarter 2014. As a TA, I handled class discussions, supervised labs, conducted quizzes and assisted students by imparting knowledge. Also, I had tutoring experience when I worked as a Software Engineer in India, to the new employees by educating them about the company and work of the team.
My approach will be customized as there is no single common solution or approach that works for everyone. As per the type of target student, I will adapt myself suiting to the intellectual needs of the student and the environment. As I worked with clients coming from varied backgrounds in the industry earlier for 2 years, I know the importance of thinking things in others' perspective and teaching in a way that they can easily relate to and comprehend!