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Verified Tutor near San Diego, CA 
University of California, San Diego
High School
Middle School

Fun Facts

I like cooking during weekend. Cooking Chinese foods has a lot of fun and they are delicious. I also like travel and like the nature. Innovation and new thing also attract me a lot.

About Me

I am a UCSD graduate in the major of Electrical engineering. I am going to graduate and will get my second master degree in december. My plan is to work in circuit design/testing field or work as a software engineer. I have a lot of experience of writing papers and patents. I worked as a team leader, which gave me a good chance to practice and show my leadership and management skills.

1, May-July, 2013 as homework tutor helped middle school girl do her homework
2, September-December 2013, Chinese Teaching Assistant in UCSD, taught college student Chinese three times a week

1, deeply understand each of my student, e.g. their goals to study chinese, their personality and interest
2, try to teach in a way that can encourage them and attract their attention
3, practice in class, review before class over

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