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Fun Facts

I am half Colombian.
I am undefeated at Foosball, but I'm terrible at table tennis.
I love playing soccer and tennis (full-body tennis, that is), and I'm the middle child of 5. I love yoga and I am on a waiting list to take in-person Lindyhop lessons when things go back to normal.

About Me

I am a professional violinist in the Atlanta Symphony with a side hobby of biology and chemistry. I studied music and literature at a university level, and want to pass on my love of both the arts and sciences to younger students.


After graduating with a Bachelor's degree in Music and English Literature, I worked for a year as a Lindamood-Bell tutor, teaching reading, reading comprehension and math. I went back to school after this to do two more graduate degrees, and now I feel enabled to give even more to the people who I will have the opportunity to tutor.


Growth mindset and always interactive. I believe strongly in teaching patience through the lens of this idea: failure is only a step on the way to success and achievement. Getting an answer wrong is only a clear indicator that there is something there hindering understanding. My best teaching is done when I am constantly keeping the student on their toes with questions that check understanding every step of the way when introducing a new concept.

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Brigham Young University

Music and English Literature

Yale University


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