Fun Facts
Danced on a folk dance team that competed nationally. Got invited to perform in Hawaii for a wedding.
Built a functional trike with brakes from two beach cruisers and a shopping cart for the annual UCSD Junkyard Derby race.
About Me
HI! My name is Krishna and i am a Mechanical Engineering student at UCSD. I'm very adept in both mathematics and science have completed all required mathematics courses at UCSD for mechanical engineering majors. I have worked as a Lab Assistant in the UCSD MAE department for the past school year building lab equipment. It is my hope to become an entrepreneur after graduation and bring my product ideas to life.
Currently tutoring a high school student in Geometry and Chemistry. Since we have started her private tutoring, test grades have risen two whole letters. Also was self-employed as a private tutor about two years ago teaching trigonometry.
During the first session, I like to first talk to the student and ask where they are having the most trouble. We will then review old test material and solidify the students understanding of past course material. Once this is done, we will move on to current homework and upcoming tests. Students are first given the opportunity to solve the question themselves, and then I will walk them through the problems if an incorrect answer is given. If students are consistently failing in the same material, I will stop and do a lesson using my own examples.