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Fun Facts

I love to dance and I love to sing.
I recently performed a song for my grandparents' 65th Wedding Anniversary.
I just started to hike. I am enjoying being in nature more.
I am a twin.
I love to inspire people to be better than they are used to be.
I love to hear stories of how people achieve greatness.

About Me

I am a former Teacher. I have taking time off to pursue other goals in my life.
With the recent changes in Education, due to the pandemic, I hope to be able to use my educational skills and experience to help.
I have tutored students and helped them master their Math and Reading skills.
My goal is to get back into educating,and helping students through the love of learning.


I started my career as a Teacher in 2005. I had wanted to be a Teacher since I was a child. I volunteered, as an Ed Assistant and Tutor for Americorps, while I was in college, the summer of 2000. Through that experience, I realized that I could inspire and truly make an impact in the lives of students and families that I was working with.
I love being a Teacher and being a positive Leader in the lives of others.


I always appreciated the Teachers who took the time and cared enough to inspire me to learn. I was the student who needed someone to work with me in school.
So as a Teacher, I work hard to encourage my students and to help them realize that they each have a unique ability. I use that tool to teach them study skills that will help them not only succeed in completing school, but to be able to succeed and persevere in the challenges of life.

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New Mexico Highlands University

Elementary Education

Bachelor of Arts

Minor in History

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