Fun Facts
since I was in middle school through high school I started up a pet sitting/dog walking business with my friends in the neighborhood because we noticed a demand for something that wasn't there.
About Me
I went to high school in Coral Gables and graduated from the IB program in 2012. I went to FSU for 2 years to pursue and engineering degree; specially biomedical and I am also completely the necessary pre-requisites to apply to medical school after graduation. I'm transferring to the miami">University of Miami starting Fall 2014. I am a rising junior. my overall GPA is a 3.63 while my major is 3.68. My strongest classes were Calc 1,-3 Gen Chem, Organic Chem & Bio. for 2yrs I've been employed & doing research at a National Lab
Throughout high school I tutored math and science through IB Honor Society and Physics club.
In college I would set up review sessions for organic chemistry
Whenever I try to teach or explain a new concept to someone the first thing i try to do is understand how they process and express a topic. Some people require a lot of repetition, some might need visual stimulation while others just a more hands of approach. It is easier for a student to learn new things when it is tailored to their strengths.