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Charles D.
Verified Tutor near Baltimore, MD 
High School
Elementary School

Fun Facts

My favorite hobby is running. It has been for over fifteen years. It is a lot of fun fo me, and I would love to help kids develop an interest in it. I enjoy listening to classical, country, and basically every other genre of music.. I want to run in multiple half and full marathons, triathlons, and maybe even the 2020 Olympic games.,

About Me

My major was Psychology, and I graduated in 2012. I plan on earning my teaching certificate, and a Master's Degree in Psychology and /or Nutrition.I received a service award in my senior year of High School for performing more than one hundred fifty hours of community service..I want to teach education/maryland/baltimore">Special education , from kindergarten through High School, and nutrition to all grades.


I tutored a friend of mine in Contemporary Math in College.. Her first two scores(before I became her maryland/maryland/baltimore">baltimore">tutor.) were thirty two and forty four, she passed with a D, and was able to graduate.. I have tutored my girlfriends cousin in High school Math. I tutored some of my friends in Anatomy and physiology in College, as well Biology. At times during during my school career , I also received maryland/maryland/baltimore">baltimore">tutoring. I believe, all the aforementioned experiences, make me a great candidate for this position.


My maryland/maryland/baltimore">baltimore">tutoring approach is multifaceted . I believe before the actual maryland/maryland/baltimore">baltimore">tutoring takes place, the student should be allowed to tell the maryland/maryland/baltimore">baltimore">tutor , his or her understanding of the work. that will help give the maryland/maryland/baltimore">baltimore">tutor a more thorough understanding of the potential problems the student may be having with the work.I will go through all of the . topics the child is having problems with ,. I will present my student with a series of exercises on each of the topics, and when he or she is done, we will go over i

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