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Derick B.
Verified Tutor near Baltimore, MD 
Morgan State University

Fun Facts

I love action and sci-fi movies. Most recent are Rise of the Planet of the Apes and "Lucy". So entertaining. I often go to youtube videos when I'm not satisfied with my current level of understanding about a concept I'm familiar with. Sometimes I lay down and close my eyes and create images in my head in order to figure out problems til I figure them out. I might occasionally fall asleep lol

About Me

I'm a Physics Major at a University in the State of Maryland. I also grew up here in maryland/baltimore">Baltimore but I was born in Florida. I hope to go visit my people there sometime in the spring. I do like fashion though. I've found myself shopping at Macy's lately and also online. There's this brand called Jeansian, omg, check it out, its so me. But anyway, I love to teach. I know what its like to do bad in a college math course and that's cause of hard times and life distractions. But I bounced back and did very well well.


I tutored chemistry for 2 years. I often help my fellow colleagues in the courses I take. I don't charge though. Its for fun. Plus their college students. Plus I get a high when I see someone is grasping a concept lol. I currently help students who are in calculus 1 and calculus 2.


I am very conceptual. I like to establish key rudimentary ideas before hitting the actual topic. But I do this in a very efficient way as to not spend too much time not hitting the primary topic of interest. I am very patient and we will not move on unless I know you've understood. I will test :) I find that when I explain a concept in the way in which I understand it, pretty much everyone gets it. And all of this math stuff is actually easy. Once I started understanding this stuff I didn't feel

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