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Fun Facts

I love trying newthings! Whether it's trying new foods or going new places, I'm always up for it.

About Me

I attained my Bachelor's in Marketing Management at Baruch and my associates in Marketing Management and Sales with Honors at New York City College of Texhnology. I've enrolled myself in various programs such as CUNY Cultural Corps, ABNY YP Associates, and National Society of Leadership and Success, and many more. I've learned a lot during my time in College and various program, and I'd like to share my knowledge with you guys!


I've had the opportunity to tutor middle school students in the Bronx for almost a year. I worked in a community center that specialized in helping youth elevate from their environment. In addition, I have tutored/mentored my younger siblings whenever they need homework help.


When I was younger, I never really had someone help me in K-12th. I didn't have any tutors or mentors there for me growing up; my first ever tutor and mentor was in College. Therefore, I always had to work harder, study longer and get by on my own. I wish I had help during that time, so I understand how much youths need help. I'm here to offer what I didn't have growing up, someone to show me short cuts, quicker ways to figure out solutions and someone who overall understands the need for help i

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CUNY--Baruch College

Marketing Management


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