Fun Facts
I love painting, hiking and making people feel comfortable :)
About Me
I'm an international student from Vietnam. I came to the States when I was 16. I attended Edmonds Community College for High School and Running Start program. I graduated Edmonds Community College with a HS diploma and AA certificate. Then, I transferred to Washington State University and graduated with a Bachelor's in Chemistry.
I was one of the first few ungraduated students that got offered to be teaching assistant for chemistry at Washington State University. My duties as a chemistry T.A included: giving lectures, grading, proctoring, holding office hours and review session.
I struggled with chemistry when I was in Vietnam. I could not pass chemistry and I was frustrated with the way education was given to students back then. I applied for a visa to come to the States for a better education. I was terrified of chemistry course when I was in high school, however I had such an amazing teacher. He was so patience and he explained everything so well. I fell in love with the concepts and background of chemistry. I attended Washington State University and majored in chemi
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