Fun Facts
One fun fact is that I am an educator, a coach of football, boys' basketball, and softball, currently play adult league softball, and am also an entrepreneur. I enjoy various activities and am happy to say that I manage my time well.
About Me
I am currently an Educational Diagnostician in training. I was promoted in less than a year from moving to a new city and obtaining a new job. I love educating myself as well as others.
I have been tutoring others since I was in the first grade ( on my grade level and above). I have made another job assisting those pursuing certification in education with various Praxis tests and forming test-taking skills.
As a student, I have never found learning to be a task. Because of this, I took a vast interest in education/louisiana/new-orleans">special education because those students did/do not experience the ease in education that I had; and it is my mission to share my wealth of knowledge and study skills with those who may not grasp it as early on in their educational path.
Request Me NowPrairie View A&M University
Southern University and A&M College
Biochemical Sciences/ Science and Mathematics Education
PhdGrambling State University
Criminal Justice