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Fun Facts

One passion people learn quickly about me is that I LOVE to play pool and can show you how Math truly does exist in our everyday living even when playing pool! I also LOVE my Jeep. I go offroading and enter car shows quite frequently with my mojito JL2020 which I have named Slimer from Ghostbusters. I enjoy learning how to put modifications on Slimer to personalize it and make it unique. I always say if you aren't learning something new everyday, then you're really not living life!

About Me

I just completed my 21st year teaching and I have a wide variety of experience teaching. I have taught in every grade level from Kindergarten through eighth grade. I have also taugt every subject in Kindergarten through 8th grade successfulIy in General Education, education/texas/live-oak">Special Education and ESL! I have also worked with Gifted and Talented students in all grade levels. LOVE the challenge of teaching virtually as it helps me grow and reach our students of today's world.


I have taught every subject in grades Kindergarten through 3rd grade. I have taught Math in all grades from Kindergarten through 8th grade. I have also taught ESL and worked with education/texas/live-oak">Special Education students from Kindergarten through 8th grade.


My strategy is to find out how your child learns whether it be visual, auditorial, kinesthetically, or a combination and use this approach while also implementing their likes. I also start simple to build their confidence and grow from there. If they are Barbie lovers and their favorite color is purple, then a lot of their activities will include purple barbies.

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The University of Houston

Interdisciplinary Studies

University of St. Thomas

Elementary Mathematics (no degree)

Graduate Coursework
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Homework Coach Tutoring

Successfully taught Reading/ELA, Science, SS and Math in grades kindergarten-8th grade

Middle School Math Tutoring

Successfully taught Reading/ELA, Science, SS and Math in grades kindergarten-8th grade

Math Tutoring

Successfully taught Reading/ELA, Science, SS and Math in grades kindergarten-8th grade

Math Advance Tutoring

Successfully taught Reading/ELA, Science, SS and Math in grades kindergarten-8th grade

Study Skills Tutoring

Successfully taught Reading/ELA, Science, SS and Math in grades kindergarten-8th grade with ESL and Special Ed. Students

ESL Tutoring

Successfully taught Reading/ELA, Science, SS and Math in grades kindergarten-8th grade with ESL and Special Ed. Students

Elementary Math Tutoring

Have successfully taught all subjects for Kindergarten through 8th grade for general education, special education and ESL student

Praxis Tutoring

I have successfully tutored several adults and helped them pass the Praxis exam

STAAR Prep Tutoring

I have successfully taught 3rd-8th grade students in all STAAR subjects and helped them pass the STAAR tests

STAAR Math Tutoring

I have successfully taught 3rd-8th grade students in all STAAR subjects and helped them pass the STAAR tests

Algebra Tutoring

College Algebra, Pre Algebra in High School, College Algebra 2 in College, Finite Math

American Sign Language Tutoring

ASL is my first natural language. I am deaf, however you wouldn't know it unless I told you. I am a master at reading lips and my hearing aids help tremendously.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

College Algebra, Pre Algebra in High School, College Algebra 2 in College, Finite Math

Trigonometry Tutoring

Trigonometry in High School and College

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