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Felicia G.
Veteran Science Teacher 
Arkansas State University

Fun Facts

I LOVE LOVE LOVE to be outside - on the farm, hunting, fishing, playing with my dogs, on the beach - you name it! I grew up on a 5th generation rice farm and married a farmer. My two older boys work with their daddy on the farm just like I did. My farm-life work ethic is something I am very proud of and strive very hard to pass on to all three of my children.

About Me

I recently graduated with a 4.0 from Arkansas State University with an advanced educational degree (EdS - Educational Leadership). I am a member of the Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society and I have served as a fellow for the Arkansas State Teachers' Association.


I have been teaching science for 15 years. I love the classroom! I have a BSE in Biology, an MSE in education/arkansas/little-rock">Special Education (K-12), and an EdS in Educational Leadership (Principalship).


I have two children with dyslexia. I know the struggles that both the student and the parents feel when coping with learning disabilities. My children are why I chose to pursue my Master's Degree in education/arkansas/little-rock">Special Education. It is my personal and professional goal to ensure that struggling students under my teaching receive the absolute best I can give each and every day.

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Arkansas State University

BSE - Biology

Arkansas State University

MSE - Special Education (K-12)


Arkansas Baptist College

EdS - Educational Leadership (Principalship)

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Biology Tutoring

I have taught AP Biology and 10th-grade Biology. Over 85% of my AP Biology students received college credit with the End-of-Course exams at the end of my class

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have learned from experience in the high school and middle school classroom that organization is a contributing factor when it comes to homework completion. Organization skills do not come natural and must be taught, encouraged, and reinforced on a consistent basis.

Science Tutoring

I have taught science for 15 years. I love everything about science. Students often have a difficult time seeing the science in their everyday lives until the science is pointed out to them.

Study Skills Tutoring

Study skills are key to knowledge retention. Good study skills are taught. They rarely come naturally.

Earth Science Tutoring

Earth science is one of my favorite science subjects to teach. I love to be outside and to bring my love for the outside into my classroom when we learn about the Earth.

Physical Science Tutoring

Physical science can be a turning point for a lot of students. This is the subject where math skills play an important factor in understanding scientific concepts such as velocity.

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