- AP English
- AP History
- Arts
- Biology
- Biology AP
- Business
- Business Statistics
- Earth Science
- English
- Geography
- Government
- Health
- History
- Homework Coach
- Living Environment
- Music Theory
- Nutrition
- Psychology
- Reading Comprehension
- Religion
- SAT Verbal/Writing
- Spanish I
- Spanish II
- Spanish III
- Study Skills
- Writing
- Writing Advance
- SAT Reading
- SAT English
Fun Facts
I play the piano by ear and I also can read music; I enjoy sailing, traveling, and theater.
About Me
I am passionate, compassionate, energetic, and dedicated to producing excellence. I specialize in creating culturally-tailored business models and targeted educational programs for youth and adults locally and internationally.
I have over two decades of professional experience providing academic support for youth ages preschool through post college. I continue to provide corporate training for various businesses and community organizations as well as key-note speaking services for multimedia events.
I am a skilled educational consultant and believe in asking the right questions; I conduct entry and exit consultations to assure that I understand each person's learning goals, styles, challenges and strengths to be most effective in tutoring.
Request Me NowNorth Carolina State University
Liberty University