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Korina H.
Student offering Tutor and Academic Support 
Xavier University of Louisiana
Music Lessons
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

I am a Twin. Some people find that interesting. We look nothing a like ( We are fraternal). I have never taken P.E. or Health in High School because I was devoted in JROTC, which was a great experience :) .

About Me

I am a student at Xavier University. I started in the spring semester and I the fall will be my second semester. This semester I have earned a 4.0 and my overall GPA for high school was a 3.89 out of 4.0 or a 4.72 out of 5.0. I am currently in the military part-time. Aside from my education and career, I think I have a great work ethic, hard-working, and compassionate to whatever I put my mind to. I am genuine in everything that I take part in.


I have not had formal experience as a tutor; however, in high school I was in Key club and NHS and within those clubs I was able to volunteer to many things. A few of them were doing activities with elementary students and below. One of my best subject is in math and I was able to help family members and other students within my classes with their work.


My approach would to always support and give boosters. Of course the objective is to help them retain the information and successfully apply it to their work; Additionally, I believe that is also important to listen to them and observe how they respond to strategies and apply that to their tutoring/ teaching session. Of course positive attitude and passion would always be consistent.

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Xavier University of Louisiana


Bachelor of Arts

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Algebra Tutoring

Hello. I have tutored in this subject before to students in my high school. My grades for all my Mat classes were A and A+.

Arts Tutoring

Hello. I have taken art classes in my college and have resulted with an A in that class and 4.0 at the end of that semester.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I have received and overall GPA of 4.0 and part of that is getting homework completed. I will ensure to teach organization skills and time-management to get those homework assignments completed.

Pre Algebra Tutoring

Hello. I have tutored in this subject before to students in my high school. My grades for all my Math classes were A and A+.

Study Skills Tutoring

I have received and overall GPA of 4.0 and part of that is is being motivated and the skills that I have acquired at each level of achievement . I will ensure to teach strong habits of studying and retaining of information. Organization skills and time-management is also important.

Writing Tutoring

Hello. I have taken AP classes and courses. My grades for these classes were As.

Math Tutoring

Hello. I have tutored in this subject before to students in my high school. My grades for all my Math classes were A and A+. I have taken a range of math classes.

English Tutoring

Hello. I have taken 4 years of Choir in my High Scool. I reached out advance Choir. Music Theory was essential to this class and I understand it because of my choir experience.

Elementary Math Tutoring

Hello. I have tutored in this subject before to students in my high school. My grades for all my Math classes were A and A+. I have taken a range of math classes.

Reading Tutoring

Hello. I have taken AP classes and courses. My grades for these classes were As. I have a range of experience in this subject.

Reading Comprehension Tutoring

Hello. I have taken AP classes and courses. My grades for these classes were As. I have a range of experience in this subject.

Music Theory Tutoring

Hello. I have taken 4 years of Choir in my High Scool. I reached out advance Choir. Music Theory was essential to this class and I understand it because of my choir experience.

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