Fun Facts
Since coming to New Mexico, I have become an advocatefor Prairie Dogs.
I love exploring reading and exploring new topics.
Dogs are my best friends forever.
About Me
I am a retired teacher/professor who misses teaching. I have dedicated my life to social justice issues in the classroom as well as in the world. I believe that learning should be multidisciplinary and should include the silent voices in history.
I began my career as an elementary teacher teaching remedial reading. I also helped design and teach the first program for elementary gifted students in South San ISD in San Antonio, Texas.
I then taught middle school for 10 years. During that time, I was part of a team that took a dying inner-city school and turned it into a model of exemplary teaching and learning. I also designed and taught a program to develop leadership and self-esteem for 8th-grade girls.
I pursued my dream of a Ph.D. so I
For me, school was the ticket out of poverty and chaos. I want to make that opportunity happen for as many students as possible. I know that for a struggling student to succeed they must trust their teacher to be compassionate and fair. I have many years of experience in building that trust and promoting learning.
Request Me NowStephen F. Austin State University
B.S. Elementary Education - Select Student
University of the Incarnate Word
Peace and Justice
MastersCurriculum and Instruction