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Gretchen R.
Experienced English/Spanish teacher/tutor 
Missouri Southern State University
Elementary School

Fun Facts

I learned to sing tenor by listening to Uncle Burney sing tenor in church. To this day, I am appreciative of my ability to support congregational singing.

About Me

I like to share poetry with my students and friends. Right now I'm memorizing "I like to see it lap the miles", a poem by Emily Dickenson, in which she exquisitely delivers her impressions of the newly operational steam engine.


I have taught public school English and language arts in grades 7-11 and Spanish I and II. I delivered Spanish I and II instruction virtually to some public school students in small rural schools in Oklahoma for five years. Recently I have tutored secondary language arts students on two tutoring platforms.


I ask open ended questions frequently, provide opportunities for students to revisit concepts in slightly different ways, and self check to make sure I'm still just a facilitator following the student as much as leading.

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Missouri Southern State University


University of Missouri Kansas City

30 cr. hours English Literature /Composition 30 Cr. hours Spanish (certified to teach)

Graduate Coursework
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