Fun Facts
I have two chinchillas and a cat. They get along with each other well.
About Me
I just graduated from the University of Michigan. I am reviewing Mcat right now and will apply to medical school next year
Science Learning Center (SLC) Tutor, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, MI
-Tutored undergraduate students 2-6 hours per week in Physics 150 (Fundamental Physics for
the Life Sciences I) and enhanced their understanding of course material through online
appointment-based sessions.
Be a teacher assistant in Biology Lab: Function and Development of Organisms.
-Demonstrated animal dissection including sharks and mice every week
-Tutored in experiments in the lab, answered students’ questions, and
I struggled with studying before college, but I found a way for me to study effectively and it helps me. Hope I can help more students
Request Me NowUniversity of Michigan-Ann Arbor