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Fun Facts

I love meeting new people and sharing the ideas that I have.

About Me

In high school, I earned awards and accolades for math and physics through club competitions and I taught myself AP Calculus BC as well as AP Physics C. I scored 5's and 4 on my exams and Graduated with honors. In college, I dual-majored in mathematics and physics with an astronomy minor. I was nominated president of our local chapter of the Sigma-Pi-Sigma Physics Honors Society and I graduated with honors.


I'm the Math teacher you always wanted.

As a former math teacher, I committed long age to finding a way to explain a concept that my student could understand. I get back to what makes sense to a student and then build from there. I do all of this with a sense of humor and a smile!


Slow down, it is easy. Once we establish the base building on it is fun. My preference is to meet online. It is an incredibly powerful environment.

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University of New Mexico


University of New Mexico

Masters degree in Mathematics


New Mexico Highlands University


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