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Leah M.
Experienced classroom aide and tutor 
Texas Woman's University
High School

Fun Facts

One thing about me I love working with youth and in my community.

About Me

I am a Texas Women's University alumna class of 21'. Dean's list recipient 4 semesters in a row. I am a member of the National Society of Leadership and Success. I am currently a education/texas/dallas">special education educational aide at a local charter high school.


I have subbed in a variety of classrooms leading up to my time as an educational aide. Whether I was leading and managing a classroom by myself or co-teaching with another teacher. I have led small groups for study purposes, reteaching opportunities, and test administration.


I feel all children deserve a chance to be successful. Sometimes things can be taught a little too fast for one to comprehend. Asking questions can be nerve-wracking and thats where I come in to be sure the content is understood. I am ok with reteaching and finding other ways to explain the material.

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Texas Woman's University

Health education

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