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Fun Facts

I played soccer since I was 5, I am a martial artist, I read classical literature and I am curious about cosmology.

About Me

I may be soft-spoken but I am passionate about education.


I have been instructing youth in one form or another since I was 15 via soccer, martial arts, and the classroom. I can motivate, encourage and improve my charges.


All it takes is a small amount of success and students find it suits them. With guidance and connection, every student can improve.

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St. Mary's College of California

Health Science

University of Phoenix

Master's of Education

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Pre Algebra Tutoring


Algebra Tutoring

I took Algebra when I was in 7th grade. I am advanced in math and can help students become better.

Algebra II Tutoring

Algebra II was combined with my Trig class my freshman year in high school so I know how difficult it can be.

Geometry Tutoring

I took Geometry in my 8th grade year and having good equipment with which to draw is key.

Trigonometry Tutoring

I took Trigonometry during my Sophomore year in high school and I thought it was fun tying in geometry with algebra.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Middle school was my foundation for the basics, Algebra and Geometry.

College Algebra Tutoring

In graduate school I took Calc III, Differential Equations, Linear Algebra, Topology and Algebraic Geometry so I believe I can handle any math course.

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