Fun Facts
I speak 5 different languages and I am the 4th of 8 children! My interests include boxing, soccer, running, ping pong, afro-dance, and afro beats.
About Me
I am a senior at Rice University pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree with a specialization in Sustainability and Energy. I am passionate about the challenge and incentive of finding new and improved methods of making the energy sector more sustainable and efficient. After graduation, I will be working in Houston as an Associate Consultant and will be helping usher companies through the Energy Transition.
I previously served as the Treasurer for the Black Male Leadership Initiative (BMLI). During my time serving, I mentored students at Longfellow Elementary School after school. I also served as the Academic Excellence Chair for the Rice Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers (NSBE), where I increased member opportunities for academic improvement and professional development via tutoring, sharing of fellowship and career opportunities, and mentorship programs. I was elected the Cultura
I grew up with a speech impediment and always found it difficult to participate in class due to the fear of being mocked and bullied. I moved schools a lot as well and always had to start over and catch up academically. In one school, there was a teacher who also happened to be a speech therapist and she took her precious time and patiently assisted me after class to work on my speech and build confidence. She made me believe in myself and my abilities and that paved the way for me to be who I a
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