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Janelle S.
Verified Tutor near Fresno, CA 
High School

Fun Facts

One of my greatest passions, is reading, I love to stay up late reading a good romance novel. I am the youngest of three children. I love to travel, for my high school graduation present I went to London, Paris, and Rome. I am a big singer, even though I wouldn't try out for American Idol, I love to pay around with music and see what notes I can hit.

About Me

I am a senior at California State University, Fresno, currently studying Psychology with emphasis in Applied Behavioral Analysis. I love working with children and seeing them succeed in life. I hope to further my education in cognitive behavioral studies. My goal is to work in the hospitals with children who have Autism Spectrum disorders.
I have worked with children since I was 16. I first started working with children at my church. I was a mentor to some kids for about 3 years. When I was a senior in high school, I was a fresno">tutor for a program called Avid. I tutored children and I also helped them prepare for college. In the Avid program there was no set subject that we focused on unless the teacher brought that to my attention, so I have experience in all subjects. Once I moved away for college, I began working with a company called Healthy Families.I tutored kids who were in elementary all the way up to high school. I also tutored them in different subjects. I have quiet a few years of experience with fresno">tutoring children.
As a child, I struggled with some subjects in school. I never had any formal fresno">tutoring, so I know what it is like to be frustrated and feel bad about yourself because you are not understanding the concept. As a fresno">tutor, I plan to help build the students confidence and help them succeed in the subject. I want the client to know that I am their biggest fan and I am always there to help them. This is more than just a job to me because these students are our future and I want to help them succeed in any way possible. This is not only my job, but it is my duty to the student.

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