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Taniqueka S.
Eager to help others! 
University of Maryland--University Colleg

Fun Facts

One thing everyone knows about me is my compassion to help others. I have been so blessed that I love giving back.

About Me

I am a Paralegal for the Federal Government; I have 28 years. I also work as a caregiver part-time. I love helping others. I have four kids and two grandkids.


I would love to help someone reach their goals. When my kids were growing up, I was there to help them along the way with homework, applications, and whatever they needed assistance with. The experience is there; it just wasn't a paying job.


As a single parent, I had no one to push me and I didn't have support. Having support makes a big difference in your life. It encourages and motivates you more when support, understanding, and patience are present.

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University of Maryland--University Colleg

Criminal Justice

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