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Naomi A.
Certified Professional Coder-Apprentice 
University of Hawaii
Middle School
Language Lessons
Adult Learning

Fun Facts

I have a lot of hobbies! I can paint and draw, I can also play 3 instruments and sing. I write poetry and essays and make the pottery using my hands. I also took a free online class from Harvard about Egyptology and got my certificate.

About Me

I am a Certified Professional Coder by profession. I acquired my certificate back in 2020 when I passed the rigorous coding examination after finishing my program at Hawaii Medical College. And before that, I went to LCC and finished my AA in Liberal Arts. I am one of those students who took an unusual path. Instead of doing Bachelor’s, I decided of taking two programs since I’m also spending the same amount of time in school. Might as well do more. I am a huge fan of education, and that’s why I often find myself in different fields. I wanna keep learning. I have a large scope of interests—from arts to history to literature to music to science, and all that good stuff! I can be everywhere and still be productive! I believe one can only know so much. As an individual, I can say I am a very patient and understanding person. I like helping and being of service to others. I feel most fulfilled when I get to share what I know, and I’d be more than happy to share whatever I can to help people feel better about themselves or to help them achieve their goals and succeed in life. I love seeing people conquer, it makes me happy and it is a bonus when you know you’re one of the reasons why they’re successful.


I have no formal tutoring experience. But I have edited, proofread, and revised academic papers for students. I also tutored my younger sibling and cousins when they would need help with their homework, most especially in English, History, and Arts. I have enjoyed helping them learn and sharing what I know. Besides, knowledge has no higher purpose. Its only intention is to be passed on.


People can be very different and so my approach would be unique to everyone. It will depend on the student’s individual needs. But I would definitely be positive and encouraging. I will make sure to create a safe and judgment-free environment in class. I will make sure my students won’t be scared to make mistakes. It is the only way to learn and there is no shame in that. It is totally normal and it is a part of the learning process. We all can do better when we know better.

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University of Hawaii

AA in Liberal Arts

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