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Fun Facts

I love archeology and languages. The past fascinates me and I have always been able to quickly learn new languages. I'm the oldest of 4 and am the only one planning on pursuing a doctorate. Within my doctorate, I plan to specialize in Central American archeology. So far I have learned four languages; Spanish and English I have fluency in, French I am proficient in, and I am currently learning Italian.

About Me

I am an upcoming sophomore at the Rochester Institute of Technology majoring in Anthropology with a concentration in Archeology. I am excellent at math and rhetoric and have both a dynamic teaching and learning style.


In high school, I had the opportunity to tutor peers, both informally when they needed extra help, and formally through my high school's program "Student2Student: Peers Helping Peers".


I have an array of teaching styles that may be utilized and have multiple ways of explaining a concept. I hope to make a difference by helping those who are struggling with their academics and giving them a new perspective on learning; with the additional hope they learn that concepts don't have to be learned one way.

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Rochester Institute of Technology

Sociology and Anthropology

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Pre Algebra Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

Algebra Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

Algebra II Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

French Tutoring

I took high school French and continue to study it outside of highschool. I have a strong grasp on languages and and often helped my peers pronunciation and vocabulary. While in high school, I volunteered to formally tutor French I and II through my school's peer tutoring program.

Homework Coach Tutoring

I used to be a student who was disorganized and procrastinated a lot. It took me a while, but through trial and error, I've built up a "librabry" of techniques to help with organization, time management, and procrastination. I would be a good homework coach because I will teach students how to maximize their time efficiently, but also avoid burnout.

Math Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

Spanish I Tutoring

While I have never taken a Spanish class, I am a native Spanish speaker. Spanish was my first language so I feel I would be a good teacher of the formal Spanish taught in schools. In addition to this, I would also be able to teach conversional Spanish.

Spanish II Tutoring

While I have never taken a Spanish class, I am a native Spanish speaker. Spanish was my first language so I feel I would be a good teacher of the formal Spanish taught in schools. In addition to this, I would also be able to teach conversional Spanish.

Spanish III Tutoring

While I have never taken a Spanish class, I am a native Spanish speaker. Spanish was my first language so I feel I would be a good teacher of the formal Spanish taught in schools. In addition to this, I would also be able to teach conversional Spanish.

History Tutoring

As an archeology major, I have to study history. I have to do this to be able to understand archaeological finds in a historical perspective. Aside from my academic requirements, I am a huge lover of history and study it informally on my own time.

Middle School Math Tutoring

Throughout my schooling, I was always placed in advanced math courses. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

Science Tutoring

I have a good understanding of middle school science. I took IB science in high school, which was a college level course. I feel like this expemlifies that I have a high level understanding of the sciences.

Spanish Tutoring

While I have never taken a Spanish class, I am a native Spanish speaker. Spanish was my first language so I feel I would be a good teacher of the formal Spanish taught in schools. In addition to this, I would also be able to teach conversional Spanish.

Study Skills Tutoring

I used to be a student who was disorganized and procrastinated a lot. It took me a while, but through trial and error, I've built up a "librabry" of techniques to help with organization, time management, and procrastination. These skills are important to being a sucessful student. I would be a good study skills tutor because I will teach students how to maximize their time efficiently, but also avoid burnout.

Writing Tutoring

I can effectively teach writing and am able to help with writing assignments. I excell at rhetoric and understand sturctured writing really well. In addition to writing school essay, I am also able to help with creative writing.

Conversational Spanish Tutoring

While I have never taken a Spanish class, I am a native Spanish speaker. Spanish was my first language so I feel I would be a good teacher of the formal Spanish taught in schools. In addition to this, I would also be able to teach conversional Spanish.

Math Advance Tutoring

I was a strong math student who frequently was put in higher level math courses. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my lower-classmen peers for.

Statistics Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school, and a topic I excelled in. I was a strong math student who frequently was put in higher level math courses. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

Geography Tutoring

While I took a geography class quite a few years ago, I do have a good sense of direction. This helped me tremendously in that class. I have also done my own extensive research on how geography affects politics, which has allowed me to be familiar with geography.

Geometry Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

Physics Tutoring

I took IB physics in highschool as a two year course. As my physics teacher said "it's spicy math." One thing I always excelled at in school was math.

Psychology Tutoring

I took IB psychology in high school, another two year course like the physics. I had a good understanding of the course materials. In addition to this, my senior capstone project was on the topic of psychology. It followed the question: how does bilingualism lead to gains in working memory?

Trigonometry Tutoring

This was a class I took in high school. I was a strong math student who frequently excelled. This was also one of the subjects I volunteered to tutor my peers for.

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