Fun Facts
I lived in Mexico for 2 years and have traveled through Europe. I do yoga and meditate every day. I love playing video games and going to the movie theater in my free time.
About Me
I have a desire to gain and spread knowledge. I currently work a job teaching autistic people from all levels at varying ages.
I have tutored middle school to high school-aged students in math, reading, writing, and studying methods. I currently teach at a school for autistic individuals. I have completed RI teaching training for reading and writing comprehension.
I understand that every student is an individual with different ways of learning. I plan to uncover their learning method and cater to that so the students will understand the subject with ease.
Request Me NowUniversity of Massachusetts--Dartmouth
Crime and Justice Studies
Algebra Tutoring
I excelled at Algebra in high school, I always had a 100 in math. I have tutored high school and middle school age students in Algebra since I was 15.
Algebra II Tutoring
I excelled at Algebra in high school, I always had a 100 in math. I have tutored high school and middle school age students in Algebra since I was 15.
English Tutoring
I have vast knowledge on literature, reading, and writing. I constantly wrote papers of all kinds throughout college including a 20+ page research paper. I currently read and write poems. I took 4 English classes in college.
Homework Coach Tutoring
I currently teach individuals work stamina as well as keeping students focused on tasks. I also teach organizational skills, studying skills, and motivation tactics.
Math Tutoring
I have excelled at math all the way throughout college. I have taken college statistics, precalculus, and I was in all honors math classes in high school. I currently teach math skills.
Reading Comprehension Tutoring
On top of taking college classes focused heavily on reading and writing, I currently teach reading comprehension. I also am constantly expanding my knowledge through reading books.
Spanish I Tutoring
I took Spanish throughout college and aced all of my Spanish classes. I lived in Mexico for 2 years and I currently live with a Spanish-speaking individual.
Spanish II Tutoring
I took Spanish throughout college and aced all of my Spanish classes. I lived in Mexico for 2 years and I currently live with a Spanish-speaking individual.
Spanish III Tutoring
I took Spanish throughout college and aced all of my Spanish classes. I lived in Mexico for 2 years and I currently live with a Spanish-speaking individual.
Study Skills Tutoring
I have tutored since high school, expanding student’s knowledge on the right way to study for them as individuals. I have completed courses in college that required me to study using all different methods.
Writing Tutoring
I took writing intensive course in college. I currently write poems and I also teach students writing at my job.
Middle School Math Tutoring
I have taken many Math classes all the way through college. I was able to ace every math course I took and I took honors classes. I teach math skills currently to my students.
Pre Algebra Tutoring
I have tutored math since I was 15. I have taken many algebra classes and aced them all. I currently teach pre-algebra to my students.
Spanish Tutoring
I studied Spanish from middle school to college. I lived in Mexico for 2 years and I currently reside with a Spanish-speaking person.
Elementary Math Tutoring
I currently teach math during my day job. I have always excelled in math and I have taken math courses throughout college.
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