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Fun Facts

I enjoy playing chess when I can find someone to play against. You will find me in my studio when I want to relax.

About Me

I am retired from working in an Arizona prison. I started as a Correctional officer. I then was a GED instructor, working with students one on one. I was the Supervisor over the instructors for the last 5 years before I retired.


I was a GED Instructor working one on one with the students in the class. I worked one on one with the students in class. I was the assistant to the printmaking professor. I worked with the students in the class. This class gave me the experience of teaching a group or single students.


When I was in elementary and middle school, I was not interested in the subjects. It was when I entered high school that things changed. I was lucky enough to have a teacher that urged me to read more. She recommended certain books. She also worked with me one on one.

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Elmhurst College


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