Fun Facts
One of my passions that others who know me will say is I have a heart for the young. They are very inquisitive and eager to learn new things. I love finding my purpose and making a difference that impacts another life.
About Me
I am a wife and mother of 3 girls who are 20, 17, and 15 years of age. I have a Bachelors's and Masters's Degree in Organizational Management. I plan to go back to school to get my Doctorates Degree. I currently work for SBA (Small Business Administration).
I have read to elementary school-age children every year for the Read Across America Dr Seuss for the last few years. When my daughters were younger and struggled with reading and comprehension, I was able to get them on the level they needed to be on and helped them become more confident readers who now love to read!
When I was a child, I had some struggles with reading and comprehension. I had to attend special classes in school that gave me the extra one on one time I needed to assist me in being successful in the areas I struggled in. I am forever grateful for the one on one help. Being able to tutor a child helps me feel as if I am giving back what was given to me.
Request Me NowAshford University
Organizational Management
Ashford University
Organizational Management
MastersStrayer University
Marketing and Branding for Entrepreneurs