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Lacey M.
Experienced high school & AP Biology teacher 
Texas State University
Test Prep

Fun Facts

I love birds! My degree is in wildlife biology, but I focused most of my studies on ornithology.
I also caught some bats during my bird studies!

About Me

Teaching may not have been my 1st career choice, but it's become my passion. I spend a lot of my free time creating new ways to help my students achieve their goals by building study resources, outlines and engaging lessons.


I've taught AP Biology and advanced high school biology for 3 years. I have a ton of study resources already that I created for my students who were struggling. In my advanced biology course, I have a ~96% STAAR pass rate!


As a kid, I hated note-taking and being told I had to do things a certain way or I'd lose points but I figured out that I loved learning through stories and hands-on activities. I try to make my lessons engaging by using models, stories, and personal experiences where I can. I think it is important to help students find the exact point that they began struggling with content, and build their understanding from there.

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Texas State University

Wildlife Biology

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