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Fun Facts

I live in Southern California, so I spent a lot of time at the beach. Also one thing most people don't know is that I can be a picky eater. Pie at Thanksgiving? I don't like any kind.Another fun fact about me is that I love to dance! I have been dancing since I was 3 years old. My high school dance team was on America's Got Talent and performed at Radio City Music Hall.

About Me

Right now I am technically a freshman but next semester I will be a sophomore. I am a Math major and science/arizona/tucson">computer science minor at the University of Arizona. I take my first science/arizona/tucson">computer science class next semester so if I love it I will aspire to be a computer programmer. If I hate it, I plan to either go into math research or teach math. As of last semester I have a GPA of 3.71. My senior year of high school I was captain of my dance team.
I am in a class at The University of Arizona that is designed to teach students to become better tucson">tutors. In addition to the class time, we are required to tucson">tutor at neighboring middle and high schools. Multiple times a week I go to schools to help tucson">tutor in a classroom setting. I work in groups and one-on-one.
I remember when I was getting help from a teacher in high school and he never gave me the answer. Instead of blatantly telling me, he asked my questions to help me realize how I should solve the problem. I hope to use this skill and others like listening, making the problem simpler, not skipping steps, have the student talk about the process out loud, etc. to help students learn.

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University of Arizona


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