Fun Facts
I love to crack jokes in my classroom
To reduce tension and lack of cooperation in the classroom
Cause they’re students who’re unable to cooperate cause they’re scared
About Me
I am a graduate of the University of Buea Cameroon far I need a job now to raise money and further my master's in humanitarian action.
I’ve had experience during my 6-month internship in primary 5 and 4
And I’ve had experience for 5 months during my internship in a secondary school. I’ve also had experience selling at a retail shop for more than 7years today
As a child who came from a managed home
I struggled and made sure to make my parents proud with my public Exams and when I entered the university I worked at a saloon and raised money to pay my school fee
Now I have a degree and I need a job to raise money and further my studies
University of Redlands
Performance and visual act
University of Redlands
Educational psychology
OtherEducational psychology