Aliyyah H.

Experienced math, English and science tutor
Chicago State University
Elementary School
Music Lessons
Adult Learning
Fun Facts
I love card games! I love card games of all kinds; as easy as Old Maid and as difficult as Bid Whist & Poker. I have taken Spanish classes in Guatemala and I have sailed to Maine.
About Me
I have a Bachelor of Arts in Music from Chicago State University. I'd like to get a Master's degree in Sociology.
I have tutored students K-12 and undergraduate school in English, Mathematics, and Biology.
As a child struggled in math. In high school I had a math teacher who made math fun, easy, and inspirational. This is my approach to tutoring; fun, easy, and inspirational. A positive attitude will take you farther than hard work.
Request Me NowChicago State University
Bachelor of Arts in Music