Fun Facts
Ziplining across the Sierra Madre mountains was definitely one of the craziest things I'd ever done ... that and rappelling down the side of a waterfall with nothing but a rope and some slippery rocks to support me. Something I've learned in life is that fear will not go away just because you want it to. You have to look it straight in the eye and stare it down. It's the only way it will ever be conquered.
About Me
I believe that you never stop learning or developing new skills no matter how old you are. It's not always easy but nothing worth achieving is easy. Great mentors can help smooth the path and clear the debris out of your way but ultimately you have to be the one to walk the path. Speaking of developing new skills, I am currently studying day trading ... decided that it is something I really enjoy. And what is life about if not enjoyment? And I spend my spare time volunteering at my ashram.
My high school had a great program: any student who wanted to help fellow students could sign up as a tutor in any department they wanted. Then wait for students who needed help to come into the department office during your free time. I was an avid reader and a good writer so I signed up with the English department. I was also good in math so I signed up with the math department as well. I continued to tutor fellow students in college ... and moved onto friends's children and my son's friends.
I find that small group learning is very effective ... even as a student throughout my school years, I formed small study groups for difficult classes - groups where we taught one another. Also, I find that the simplest approaches work like magic when teaching tough concepts - for instance, I have used simple circles and dots to help a student understand basic multiplication and division. Doughnuts (in a private home setting for a friend's child) worked wonders to teach basic fractions.
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